Infoday: European Health Programme (2008-2013) Call 2013
G. Nicoletti: Results of the Call for Proposals 2012
G. Nicoletti: Overview Joint Actions
Presentazione Joint Actions_17 gen 2013_13660_824
C. Menel Lemos: Work plan 2013 – priorities and financial mechanisms and timeline
2013 01 17 NID Rome – Priorities 2013 short_13660_825
A. Federici: Amended Draft Proposal_ Cancer
G. Onder: Joint Action addressing chronic diseases and promoting healthy ageing across the life cycle
E. Scafalato: Joint Action on alcohol
Emanuele Scafalato_Joint Action alcohol_clean_13660_828
P. Rossi: Il database del progetto Mattone Internazionale
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