The Programme Mattone Internazionale Salute (ProMIS) has been institutionalised on the basis of the proposal of the Ministry of Health during the State-Regions Conference on the 29th of July 2015. It represents the natural evolution of the Project Mattone Internazionale (PMI), created to respond to the need to bring the Regions’ healthcare systems in Europe and, on the other hand, to bring Europe in the Italian Regions’ Healthcare Systems.
Over the years, training and information activities dedicated to the competent ministerial structures, Italian Regions and Health Authorities, as well as to other stakeholders involved in healthcare contexts, have been carried out in order to promote the dissemination on the national territory of EU policies and the possibilities of access to European and international programmes for healthcare, research and innovation.
In 2015, the Mattone Internazionale Project became a permanent structure to support the Regions and Autonomous Provinces in their internationalisation processes, reintroducing itself under the name of Programma Mattone Internazionale Salute (ProMIS).
In this new institutional guise, ProMIS takes on the task of consolidating the results achieved by the PMI, giving continuity to an innovative ‘governance’ model tested since 2011 and proven effective in its multiple applications.
By ensuring the full involvement of the various healthcare actors, the model has:
● Demonstrated to offer full involvement of the various healthcare actors
● Enabled the dissemination of project methodologies and developed proposals of regional interest, disseminating their results
● Established a serious and in-depth training and dissemination methodology for project techniques and networking, which is the basis of the European programming and of which the project itself has been the node, fostering international research initiatives in the field of public health
The activities of ProMIS formally started in May 2016, with the conclusion of the first three-year term (2016-2019) in December 2019 and the start of the second term (2020-2022) approved during the session of the Permanent Conference for Relations between the State, the Regions and the Autonomous Provinces of the 6th of June 2019.
In the session of the Permanent Conference for relations between the State, the Regions and the Autonomous Provinces on the 28th of December 2022, the ProMIS funding has been renewed for the third three-year term 2023-2025.
ProMIS intercepts the training, information, research, innovation and collaboration needs of the European Health System, translating them into action across multiple levels and multiple systems.
It also has the capacity of networking with a multiplier effect, creating culture and added value.
ProMIS contributes to the growth of healthcare as a system, from an international and European perspective, strengthening the competences of stakeholders through exchanges of regional, national and European approaches, experiences and models, and the development of European-level initiatives.
1. Strengthening the internationalisation strategies of regional health systems
2. Promoting and supporting complementary EU initiatives in synergy between different policies at regional level
3. Consolidating the structured link for the internationalisation of the Italian health system between the regional and national levels
4. Promoting and supporting the European strategy “Health in all policies (HiAP)”at the national level
5. Supporting and promoting actions to contribute as a Country System to the strategic development of European Programming
6. Increasing the networking capacity
● Promotion of regional systems and perspectives at national and EU level (Advocacy)
● Information / Communication
● Training and education
● Technical support for co-programming activities
● Support for capitalisation and sustainability of results/products
● Facilitation and creation of opportunities and collaboration/comparison
● Development/growth of regional organisational models for the health systems’ internationalisation
● Creation/strengthening of intra- and inter-regional institutional and technical links
● Creation/strengthening of inter-regional relations and with the national Ministry of Health/Agencies/Institutions
● European processes’ participation
● EU funds access and use
The organisation of ProMIS continues to work with, including for the current three-year term the composition of several bodies, hierarchically ordered, and structured as follows.
Such a structure allows for a fruitful collaboration between the regional and national levels as well as a significant sharing of planning objectives. ProMIS, over the years, has developed an innovative ‘governance’ model, guaranteeing the full involvement of the various health actors thanks to the dissemination of collaboration and networking methodologies. Moreover, ProMIS has been able to accredit itself with the European institutions as an important Italian network.
Programma Mattone Internazionale Salute – ProMIS
Regione del Veneto – Area Sanità e Sociale
UO Commissione Salute e Relazioni socio sanitarie
Palazzo Molin, San Polo, 2514
30125 – VENEZIA
cell. +39.3456598389 +39.3356504832 +39 3470155658
email attività formative:
Programma Mattone Internazionale Salute – ProMIS
Via del Tritone, 46
00187 – Roma
cell. +39.3456598389 +39.3356504832 +39 3470155658
Programma Mattone Internazionale Salute – ProMIS
Azienda Ulss n. 4 Veneto Orientale
Piazza De Gasperi, 5
30027 – San Donà di Piave (VE)
cell. +39.3456598389 +39.3356504832 +39 3470155658
Programma Mattone Internazionale Salute – ProMIS
Regione del Veneto – Sede di Bruxelles
Avenue de Tervuren, 67
1040 – Brussels
Tel. +39 041 279 4827 (dall’Italia)
+32 027 437 027 (dall’estero)